Remember Me?

Is this thing still on…?

So, I know it’s been a while, I don’t even have the guts to see when my last post was but my guess is almost a year ago…Anyway, I’m not dead, I haven’t sold the Vespa, I haven’t even moved or anything! What happened was I got a full-time engineering job in January (yay!) and told myself I had to finish my Master’s thesis before I could work on the Vespa. Well, that ended up taking much longer than I had originally hoped (as I think most thesis’s do) and Betty had a long sleep in the garage. Then at the end of last month I finally successfully defended my thesis so I guess that makes me a Master of Mechanical Engineering and still a novice of Vespa Mechanic-ing (and truthfully I still feel pretty novice at mechanical engineering too).

So now this leaves me facing my fears head on – electrical. I’ve been dreading it from the beginning and now I’ve run out of excuses; It’s the final frontier. The reason I’m so intimidated is because there are a lot of wires, with no clear idea of where they go or where they come from, some of which are missing their connectors, and all of which are looking in pretty bad shape. I’m going to try to hook everything up the best I can and pray that I do not need to replace the wiring harness because that sounds like the ultimate pain in the butt. Today I bought a headlight, figuring that would get me going. Here is what the headlight will look like when installed (so cute!):


Here is the mess that resides behind that headlight:


Yes, those are dead spiders.

Anyway, no major updates for today, just wanted to let everyone know that I am not dead and I will be attempting to get back into this project. Now that I’m working full-time, progress will definitely be slow, but that’s okay with me. I have been keeping up with my Instagram so you are always encouraged to follow me along there between blog posts, @kaitlinsvespa.

Hope to share more soon!